
He’s Not the Father: Would You Notify?

Justin Bieber’s not the only one particular who’s taken a paternity examination recently. The amount of paternity assessments executed in the U.S. reportedly has been on the rise, with far more and far more would-be dads and unsure moms using gain of DNA technologies to provide a definite reply to the question, “Who’s the father?”
But what if knowing the answer can do more harm than very good? “What Would You Do?” tested this concept, selecting actors to engage in a pregnant teen, her boyfriend and her very best pal. A paternity exam has unveiled to the teen that her boyfriend is, in fact, not the father of her kid, and now she doesn’t know regardless of whether to inform him the fact.

In the state of affairs, staged at the Cloverleaf Tavern in Caldwell, N.J., the teen and the pal discuss the scenario although the boyfriend steps absent. As unsuspecting bystanders get up-to-velocity on the issue, we observe to see if any person will provide assistance to the woman or, perhaps, spill the beans to the boyfriend.

Vote to explain to us what you’d do in this situation and watch the complete scenario on “What Would You Do?” Friday at 10 p.m. ET.

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